Pronouns they/their/y'all
Type of expert Life Coach
Expertise dissociative identity disorder, DID, multiple personality disorder, MPD, multiple personalities, dissociative disorders, OSDD, plural pride, plural movement, plural activism, childhood trauma, child sexual abuse, C-PTSD, PTSD, emotional abuse, gaslighting
Email address
Primary phone number
Skype username eclectictllc
Twitter @TheCrisses
Language English
Time zone -5 GMT
City Middletown
State NY
Country United States
Notes The Plural Movement With the coming together of various smaller groups within the vast umbrella of "Plurality" we have decided to declare ourselves an oppressed minority in need of rights, protections, and social change within and apart from other minority movements. To make it clear: we all agree that we are one body-person and have shared legal responsibility. However we are continually stripped of other freedoms (such as the freedom to assemble as overall psychology discourages networking with our peers and having peer support groups or even facilitated support groups in our community), gaslighted by the medical establishment (quite often being told that there's only one valid identity and all others are less-than and less credible and being separated from, discrediting, or abolishing our internal checks and balances, and told that liking each other is narcissistic and thus should be discouraged), stigmatized in the media and by society, having our subjective reality questioned, most studies and research are into whether or not we really exist rather than how to effectively help us, etc. Worldwide prevalence rates of DID alone, only one of the many ways to experience plurality, are 1-3%. That doesn't include OSDD or P-DID and other dissociative issues that can contribute to a plural experience. It does not count those who hear voices and consider themselves to be plural even if they don't identify with past trauma or with trauma having been a central reason they are plural. We are creating an umbrella under which to assemble, support each other, determine our shared/convergent history and select our desired narratives, and then look to society to give us equal access and accommodations, recognize our existence, and help correct and remove the social structures and stigmas that disable us.
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