Photo of female scientist Lego figures with a text overlay that says 'We need more diversity in journalism.'
Credit: BRICK 101
En español English version


Diverse Sources is a searchable database of underrepresented experts in the areas of science, health and the environment. Anyone who considers themselves underrepresented and is willing to respond to journalists on deadline is encouraged to join (including but not limited to ethnicity, gender, gender expression, gender identity, language, mental health experience, nationality, physical abilities, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, veteran status, etc.).

This database aims to make it easy for journalists and others to include a wider range of backgrounds, experiences and perspectives in their work. By doing so, we can improve our coverage and better reflect the world we cover.

Sources are verified. However, this verification should not replace a journalist's usual due diligence in vetting sources.

Questions? Feedback? Want to help? Contact us!


"I told some friends of mine about this, and one signed up and was just quoted in the Washington Post. Keep doing great work!" —Sally, bioengineer
"I spoke with NPR recently, and credit it to diversesources. Thanks!" —Liz, social psychologist
"Working on an article about the uses of VR and got some help from @DiverseSources on finding a couple good ones." —Andrew, freelance journalist
"I love Diverse Sources. It makes including new voices in my science stories so much easier—even when writing on deadline. And I believe that our stories get better when we don’t quote from the same small pool of experts again and again." —Carla, science journalist
"Right now I’m working on two [science stories] and grateful this database exists." — Natalie Daher
"Your site is a public service not only to journalists, but also to underrepresented voices." — Bonnie, attorney
"Thank you so much for putting this together. I work at a science museum and one of my goals is to showcase a bigger diversity of all types of scientists! Absolutely a fabulous resource. Many many thanks!" — Nicole
"I used the database to find a therapist in San Francisco for a Wirecutter story on telehealth—it was a fantastic interview, and I don't know how I would have found her otherwise!" — Shannon Palus, journalist
"I used Dr. Sheila Addison from your list, and she was absolutely wonderful! We talked for an hour and she was so helpful. I never would have found her if it hadn't been for you list. Thank you! I look forward to seeing you grow and adding more experts." — Allyson, journalist
“This is a very important service for science” — Rachel L. Roper, Ph.D., East Carolina University


Advisory board

Special thanks to


Diverse Sources es una base de datos donde periodistas pueded buscar expertos con subrepresentado en las profesiones de ciencia, salud y medio ambiente. Cualquier persona que se considere insuficientemente representada y que está dispuesta a responder a los periodistas en fecha límite se anima a unirse (incluyendo pero no limiatdo a etnia, género, expresión de género, identidad de género, idioma, experiencia en salud mental, nacionalidad, habilidades físicas, raza, religión, sexo, orientación sexual, estatus socioeconómico, estatus veterano y más.).

Esta base de datos quiere facilitar a los periodistas y otras personas la inclusión de una amplia gama de historias, experiencias y perspectivas en su trabajo. Con esto, podemos mejorar nuestra cobertura y reflejar mejor el mundo que cubrimos.

Verificamos las fuentes. Sin embargo, esta verificación no debe reemplazar la debida diligencia habitual de un periodista en las fuentes de verificación.

Preguntas? ¿Reacciones? ¿Quieres ayudar? ¡Contáctenos!